
    Keeping the Lights on with Clean, Green Energy, June 8, 12 noon, Boston

  • 08 Jun 2016
Event Description

Keeping the Lights on with Clean, Green Energy

Presented by; Environmental Entrepreneurs, E4TheFuture, Climate Action Business Association

Thursday, June 8, 2016 from 12:00 noon -2 pm

Brown Rudnick
One Financial Center
Boston, MA 02111

"As Massachusetts and New England face the looming threat of climate change it is clear that we must fundamentally shift our energy system. Can we support our growing economy with a combination of renewable energy and energy efficiency? Do we need more natural gas, or are there other cost-effective solutions? What is the role of off-shore wind and is it price competitive? Where will we get new based load power once older plants retire? Please join us for a panel discussion with distinguished experts who will explore the answers to these urgent questions."


Christophe Courchesne
Chief of the Environmental Protection Division, Massachusetts Attorney General's Office

Matthew Morrissey
Executive Director, Offshore Wind: Massachusetts

Peter Shattuck
Director, Clean Energy Initiative & Director Massachusetts Office, Acadia Center

Lunch will be available.

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