
    Horizon19 Global Clean Economy Summit, September 19-20, Boston, MA

  • 19 September 2019 To 20 September 2019
  • Event Host : World Climate Limited, NECEC, and MassCEC
  • Event Location : Boston Convention and Expo Center, 415 Summer Street, Boston, MA, 02110, United States
Horizon19, Boston
Event Description

Presented by World Climate Limited, NECEC, and MassCEC, Horizon19 will provide an impactful and dynamic platform for key stakeholders and partnerships. Across multiple sectors, there is a growing demand for a platform where industries can form resilient partnerships, attract investors, share solutions and showcase technology and innovation. This format enables organizations to future-proof their bottom lines while simultaneously scaling up the clean economy. 

Horizon19 takes place in the Northeast US, building on that region’s clean energy and clean economy leadership, while building networks that connect global clean economy markets and accelerate climate solutions projects. With the growing climate urgency, Horizon is a critical platform for putting solutions, innovation, and best practice networks as a front and center global resource.

Horizon19 is a key meeting place for clean economy decision-makers that can help:

1. Deliver your business objectives
2. Create new partnerships
3. Enter new markets
4. Conserve existing relationships
5. Promote solutions

Horizon19 will provide five main components: an integrated summit with keynotes, plenaries, and discussions; a showcasing of solutions in an interactive networking area; matchmaking and networking through a custom online app and on-site partnerships platform; pitch arena where startups, innovators, solutions providers and project leaders can pitch initiatives that are revolutionizing the clean economy; and side events including workshops, product launches, cocktail receptions, award ceremonies and much more.

As an event-driven platform, Horizon19 will focus on critical themes including the strengthening and development of clean infrastructure in smart cities, buildings, roads, and beyond; preparing for the energy transition towards renewable energy through effective strategies, the energy mix, energy storage, disruptors and smart grid; strategies, models and policies for sustainable mobility; and bringing forward innovations in digitization driving efficiency and development in all sectors.


  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • World Climate Limited, NECEC, and MassCEC
  • Event type
    • Conference

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