
    Greentown Labs - Energy Innovation Networking and Panel, Thursday, September 10, 5:30-8:30 pm

  • 10 Sep 2015
Event Description

Greentown Labs - Energy Innovation Networking and Panel

Thursday, September 10
5:30 - 8:30 PM

What fosters private and public sector ideas at the nexus of technology and government. How does innovation happen that solves civic problems? What jumpstarts it? Who drives it? What kinds of problems get addressed? What is the role of entrepreneurs? What is the role of policy?

Panelists for this event include:

Oliver Sellers-Garcia, City of Somerville, Director, Office of Sustainability

Katie Stebbins Assistant Secretary of Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship for Massachusetts' Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development

Eduardo Berlin, Founder, Mapdwell

Andrew Amigo, CEO, Blackburn Energy (they are developing energy systems for truck fleets to eliminate diesel-powered cabins that run all night)

Kevin Dutt, CEO and Founder, Rainbank

Event hosted by Greentown Labs:
28 Dane St, Somerville MA 02143

Sponsored by Microsoft

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