
    Greenovate Boston, Climate Ready South Boston Open House, March 6, 6-8pm- Boston's Children's Museum

  • 28 February 2018
  • Start time : 03:17 AM
  • End time : 03:17 AM
  • Event Location : Boston Children's Museum, 5th Floor Conference Room, 308 Congress St, Boston, MA, 02210, United States
Climate Ready Boston
Event Description

Climate Ready Boston is the Mayor's ongoing initiative to help the City grow and prosper in the face of climate change. Protecting South Boston from sea level rise and coastal flooding is a priority. On March 6th, join us for a community open house, where we will update you on our work and discuss options for ensuring a Climate Ready South Boston.

We are working to better understand current and future flood risks in South Boston and develop strategies that protect Boston’s neighborhoods. Your input is an important part of the process.

The event will have a presentation at 6:15 pm. We recommend you plan to attend the presentation, and spend about 30 minutes afterwards for the open house.

Please take a moment to RSVP for our Climate Ready South Boston Open House. Climate resiliency planning is happening in Boston’s most vulnerable neighborhoods. Whether you are a resident of South Boston or not, your participation will help inform our ongoing efforts to develop climate resilient solutions that improve our neighborhoods.

  • Event type
    • Meeting

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