
    Free Webinar: Building Electrification: What Is It and Why Do We Need It? April 8, 5:30 pm PT / 8:30 pm ET

  • 8 April 2021
  • Start time : 08:30 PM
  • End time : 10:30 PM
  • Event Host : North County Climate Change Alliance
building, electrification, energy, efficiency
Event Description

The panel will also discuss why building electrification is needed to mitigate the climate crisis, and the effects that burning natural gas in buildings has on our health and the health of our families. In addition, panelists will lay out what is required to ensure that this necessary conversion from burning fossil fuels in our buildings to using all electric energy, is a just and equitable transition for everyone. There will be time for questions from the audience.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • North County Climate Change Alliance
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Panelists:

      Robert Carr is a consultant who specializes in making our region’s built environment more sustainable. He is a LEED AP, LFA, and GPRO instructor and has used this experience to participate in many green-building and other sustainability-based projects with local organizations including the San Diego Green Building Council. Robert also volunteers for SD 350 and the San Diego Green New Deal Alliance to advocate for just, equitable and sustainable communities for all. Previously, Robert was a science teacher in San Diego Unified School District and a flight instructor. He has a Masters in Sustainability Leadership from ASU, as well as has earned his LEED AP and LFA certifications. In addition, he is a GPRO instructor.

      Anne Sheridan works with SanDiego350 and enjoys talking with others about everyday changes that can lower our carbon footprint. She has lived in fully electric homes for over ten years.

      Karl Aldinger is a software engineer, energy wonk, and climate activist. He currently works for the San Diego chapter of the Sierra Club as an organizer, focusing on advocacy and activism for Climate solutions including transportation, CCE, and electrification. Karl serves as president for the North County Climate Change and moderates the group’s monthly Our Changing Climate speaker series. He also cofounded the San Diego Hub of Sunrise Movement.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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