
    Energy Sprout - A Big Idea Contest for Sustainable Energy - Entries due May 3, 2016

  • 03 May 2016
Event Description

West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund and Sustainable Energy Fund present:

Energy Sprout
A statewide sustainable energy design competition.
The competition focuses on two broad categories:

• Fostering the development and deployment of new innovative products and business models that will expand the use of sustainable energy in Pennsylvania.
• Fostering the development and deployment of innovative community-scale sustainable energy programs/ projects in Pennsylvania.

The top three entries for the business/individual division will be awarded a seed (or sprout) grant of:
1) $100,000 for 1st place
2) $25,000 for second place
3) $3,000 for third place

The top three entries for the community division will be awarded a seed (or sprout) grant of:
1) $25,000 for 1st place
2) $5,000 for second place
3) $3,000 for third place

Energy Sprout is a competition designed to promote new or innovative products and business models in sustainable energy throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. There are two divisions of competition: Businesses/Individuals and Communities. Entries must impact one or more of the three pillars of sustainable energy: renewable energy, energy efficiency, or energy conservation.

Entries are due by May 3, 2016
Presentations and Awards will be made at Energypath on July 28, 2016.

To learn more and to apply:

Energy Sprout is open to Pennsylvania-based businesses, Pennsylvania-registered non-profit organizations, local governments in Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania residents.

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