
    Energy Day of Action at the State House: November 10th- Starts at 10 am

  • 12 Nov 2015
Event Description

Energy Day of Action: November 10

November 10 is a critical day in our fight to ensure our elected officials move us toward a clean and just energy economy.

On the 10th, a bill proposing to give Texas gas pipeline company Kinder Morgan protected lands in Massachusetts for private profit will be heard at 11am at the State House. Besides testifying at the hearing, we're rallying beforehand and supporting our partners at the Mass Interfaith Coalition for Climate Action, who are holding faith meetings with elected officials asking them to champion a clean, local, healthy energy economy.

Join us for this incredible day of action. Wear green and if you have questions/want to help, email

10AM Rally at the Grand Staircase
11am -1pm Bill Hearing for protecting lands from pipelines in the Gardner Auditorium

Massachusetts State House
24 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 01233

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