
    Department of Energy's Better Buildings Summit 2016, May 9-11 - Multifamily Track

  • 09 May 2016
Event Description

Department of Energy, Better Buildings Summit 2016
May 9-11, 2016 in Washington D.C.

The Better Buildings Summit is a national meeting where leading organizations across key sectors showcase solutions to cut energy intensity in their buildings portfolio-wide by 20% over the next ten years. This Summit is designed for partners and stakeholders to exchange best practices and highlight demonstrated market solutions with an equal emphasis on discussing future opportunities for greater energy efficiency in America’s homes and buildings.

At the 2015 Summit, more than 900 participants engaged in dialogue focused on sharing proven approaches. Speakers from the commercial, industrial, public, multifamily, residential and data center sectors shared how they draw on energy efficiency technologies, business practices, and partnerships to save money on utility bills, create new jobs, and improve their organization’s competitiveness.

Confirmed Speakers:

Association for Energy Affordability
Chicago Housing Authority
Foundation Communities
Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
GRID Alternatives
Group14 Engineering
Institute for Market Transformation
Mercy Housing
New York City Housing Authority
Onion Flats
Rocky Mountain Institute
Spark Fund

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