
    Boston Area Solar Energy Association Forum: Thursday, May 14 -Stories of Trial and Hope from Japan

  • 14 May 2015
Event Description

Boston Area Solar Energy Association Forum: Thursday, May 14 -Stories of Trial and Hope from Japan

First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist; 3 Church Street, Harvard Square
Doors open at 7pm; Presentation begins at 7:30 pm

Bruce Allen will tell stories of trial and hope based on Japanese environmental incidents, including those in Fukushima and Minamata. His talk will incorporate segments from a recent documentary film about Ishimure Michiko, Japan's foremost environmental writer-activist, who is known as the "Rachel Carson of Japan." The film shows efforts of Japanese to come to terms with environmental and energy challenges, and to nurture reconciliation and hope for the future.

Bruce Allen is Professor of English at Seisen University in Japan, where he teaches courses in translation and environmental literature. Originally from the Boston area, he has lived in Japan for the past 32 years.

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