
    Boston Area Solar Energy Association Forum: Thursday, January 12

  • 12 Jan 2017
Boston Area Solar Energy Association Forum: Thursday, January 12
Event Description

Boston Area Solar Energy Association (BASEA)
Pandora's Box - "Goodbye Mrs. Ant" A Fable for Our Times? (A BBC/Adam Curtis documentary)

Location: First Parish in Cambridge Unitarian Universalist - 3 Church Street, Harvard Square

Time: Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Presentation begins at 7:30 p.m.

Join BASEA this Thursday for a deeper look into the 1992 BBC documentary, "Pandora's Box (Episode 4) - Goodbye Mrs. Ant" by Adam Curtis. The film gives a broad, horizontal perspective of DDT, and how science, industry and the public tangled with the benefits and drawbacks of this chemical pesticide.

About BASEA:

An educational organization involved in the promotion of solar and other sustainable energy technologies throughout the greater Boston area. Since 1982, BASEA has been an active part of the region's energy-use conscience.
Their membership includes engineers, architects, scientists, utilities, builders, students, and the general public. They also advocate the balanced, mindful and responsible use of renewable energy to insure a sustainable future.

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