
    1/21 Pursuit of Net Zero Energy: The Walgreens Experience: On Site Webinar in Boston

  • 21 Jan 2015
Event Description

Pursuit of Net Zero Energy: The Walgreens Experience: On Site Webinar in Boston
1/21, 4:30-6PM
50 Milk Street, 17th Floor, Boston
(Hercules Room, CIC Boston)
USGBC MA Member $0, Non-Member $10

Attempting net zero energy in commercial buildings creates unique design, engineering, and business challenges. Net zero building fundamentals will be explored and Walgreens team of architects and engineers will share their approach for the Evanston, Illinois Walgreens store, which is expected to achieve net zero status and LEED Platinum certification.

USGBC MA Webinar Series held 3rd Wednesday of every month from 4:30-6PM. Webinars are pre-recorded and must be attended in person to receive credit.

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