
    Seattle City Light - Energy Efficiency as a Service, August 29, 9:30-11:30am, Seattle, WA

  • 29 August 2019
  • Start time : 09:30 AM
  • End time : 11:30 AM
  • Event Host : Seattle City Light
  • Event Location : Smart Buildings Center, 1200 12th Avenue South #Ste 110, Seattle, WA, 98144, United States
Seattle Light Energy Efficiency as a Service
Event Description

Please join Seattle City Light for a free event where you will be walked through the program details of the new Energy Efficiency as a Service (EEaS) pilot and have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have. There is still time left to enroll your project, so let’s discuss how the program might work for you, how your business can benefit, and next steps to participate.

If you can't make it in person, please join Seattle City Light via webinar (information below).

Energy Efficiency as a Service (EEaS) Pilot:

Seattle City Light has launched a new Energy Efficiency as a Service pilot and wants to hear from interested building owners and contractors who work within their service territory.

EEaS aims to unlock deeper energy efficiency in commercial buildings by helping to overcome the split incentive and paying for measured electricity savings over a 10+ year time horizon. Instead of paying up-front incentives that come out of the general utility fund (a disbursement-style model common among utility industry), EEaS creates a business model wherein tenants – the ultimate beneficiaries of energy efficiency upgrades – effectively fund deep retrofits over time from their energy bills. Landlords benefit from increased asset values, a new revenue stream, and more marketable green buildings. Tenants receive the comfort and productivity benefits associated with leasing space in a green building. Society benefits in the long-term from substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption.

Buildings participating in EEaS will be billed for the electricity the building would have used, had no energy improvements occurred. By keeping the building’s monthly utility bills “neutral” and passing on the benefit of the energy savings, the pilot aims to aid in recouping the initial investment. The financial value of the savings are transferred to the entity responsible for financing the energy retrofits, by Seattle City Light purchasing the electricity savings using a long-term power purchase agreement contract.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Seattle City Light
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Panel Discussion

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