
    International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development, Oct 24-26, 2018, Phuket, Thailand

  • 24 October 2018 To 26 October 2018
  • Event Location : Thavorn Palm Beach Resort, Phuket City, Thailand
International Conference and Utility Exhibition on Green Energy for Sustainable Development,
Event Description

Sustainable development is based on three interlinked criteria: economic development, social progress and environmental protection. It is the state of development that seeks to produce sustainable economic growth while ensuring future generations’ ability to do the same by not exceeding the regenerative capacity of nature. It is an economic development with social awareness that doesn’t sacrifice the environment. Holistic approach to global modernization, urbanization and industrialization must be in place for a sustainable development to exist. If the goal of development is to raise living standards, provide access to modern energy services, use of energy more efficiently, then Green growth must play a key role. Incorporating elements of low-carbon green growth in economic strategies that would include technological, financial and investment aspects, as well as national and regional energy strategy plans towards a sustainable Green future has now become more important. A low-carbon based economic growth is the only way to go to help mitigate environmental pollution and CO2 emissions.

This ICUE 2018 conference will be a venue to exchange research ideas, experiences, technical, social, financial, economic and policy issues covering greening energy utilization. Here, energy professionals, policy makers, researchers, members of the academe, engineers, members of the energy supply sector, etc., will have a platform to showcase research findings, technological innovations, transformative emerging technologies, and even to discuss burning global, regional and national issues in energy utilization for development and environment policies and programmes.

  • Event type
    • Conference/Expo

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