
    Free Webinar: Assembling the Zero-Carbon Home, January 25, 9am-12pm

  • 25 January 2024
  • Start time : 09:00 AM
  • End time : 12:00 PM
  • Event Host : Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E)
Free Webinar: Assembling the Zero-Carbon Home, January 25
Event Description

Zero-carbon homes are on the fast track to mitigate climate change. Using less energy for space conditioning and hot water production throughout the year than conventional duel-fuel systems, zero-carbon homes are more thermally comfortable than traditional buildings.

Zero-carbon homes are not very different than what we are building today. In this class, led by instructor Terry Nordbye, we will learn the jargon, building materials, and the technical expectations needed to retrofit or new-build an energy efficient and thermally comfortable zero-carbon home. We will also learn how to examine the building materials we select to get the lowest carbon footprint options and explore the latest rebates there are for converting your existing home to a zero-carbon home.

The objective of this course is that at the conclusion, participants will be able to:

- Provide examples of passive and active systems that comprise a zero-carbon home
- Describe building science fundamentals that optimize a home's performance
- Detail critical all-electric mechanical systems and end-use appliances that greatly improve a home's efficiency
- Create an energy resilience strategy for a home with solar PV and battery storage
- Name at least 2 or more financing mechanisms that support zero-carbon construction or retrofits

Image Creadit: Robb Report

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E)
  • Agenda
    • - Introduction and safety message
      - What makes a zero-carbon home
      - How to use thermodynamics and hydrodynamics to optimize a home's performance
      - Passive and active elements of a zero-carbon home
      - Creating a high-performance building envelope
      - Heat pumps, ventilation, and highly efficient end-use appliances
      - Strategizing for all-electric appliances, solar PV, and battery storage
      - Assembling the design and building team and the systems manager
      - How to verify and certify a zero-carbon home
      - Incentives for a zero-carbon homes - finance, rebates, and taxes
      - Class survey, closing and wrap up
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Terry Nordbye

      Terry Nordbye, Air Sealing Solutions, has been a general building contractor for 40 years. In 2010, he built California’s first new construction Passive House for CLAM: an affordable housing association. He now consults with architects, designers, and contractors and builders, on how to achieve high performance buildings with Zero Net Energy targets. He specializes in retrofit, extreme air sealing, using no to low VOC materials. He has been a writer for Home Energy Magazine and Journal of Light Construction and presented at ACI, HPC, Passive House, and JLC conferences in the North West and currently on the Marin County Architectural Commission.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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