
    Celebrating our ENC Sheroes, USGBC East North Central Region, January 27, 12 pm -1:15 pm EST

  • 27 January 2021
  • Start time : 12:00 PM
  • End time : 01:15 PM
  • Event Host : USGBC East North Central Communities
Celebrating our ENC Sheroes
Event Description

Celebrate the ENC Region's Sheroes

Please join USGBC ENC on January 27th, to celebrate our recognized Sheroes in the Midwest!

USGBC’s Women in Green theme for 2020 was Sheroes Stand Up! Green building Sheroes are called on like never before to stand up! Stand up for what we believe in, stand up for others, stand up for speaking our minds, and stand up for paving the way for future generations of strong women. The building industry has a bright future, due in large part to the role women are playing and will continue to play. That is why Women in Green is gathering our green building Sheroes so we can stand up together for a brighter, more inclusive future!

This virtual event will include an inspiring panel discussion featuring Sheores from each of the states in the East North Central region. They will share their diverse backgrounds, professions, perspectives and personal stories. The session will also include interactive breakout discussions led by four of our other esteemed 2020 Sheroes.

More than 60 women were recognized by USGBC in 2020 year and we encourage you to read about them below and here.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • USGBC East North Central Communities
  • Speakers / Presenters

      Leslie Tom - Chief Sustainability Officer, Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History

      Jessica Davis - Director, IUPUI Sustainability
      Peggy Matta - Project Architect, Redstone Architects, Inc
      Tammie Wareham - Project Coordinator, DesignGroup
      Sandra Henry - Senior Director, Energy and Sustainability, Elevate Energy

      Nicole Stika, Greater Cleveland Partnership
      Allison Harris, EcoWorks
      Angela Westerhaus, Turner Construction
      Rev. Joan Ross, North End Woodward Community Coalition
  • Sponsors
    • We want to give a huge thank you to our event sponsor - Patti Aaron. Thank you for your support!
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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