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product information
Description: All of these modules together or in combination make up GreenTouchscreen, a way to showcase your intelligent building via the internet or on a touchscreen kiosk. Our ibPortal software is the portal into live and historical building data. Our SiteMap software offers a great way for interactive building directories and site maps.
Quality Attributes Software/GreenTouchscreen
Address: 416 Billy Sunday Road, Ames, IA 50010, United States Website: http://www.qualityattributes.comRatings Summary
Average Overall Rating
Out of 10
1 review(s)

Certifications/ Awards
Overall Rating
0 vote(s)
Very nice user interface but expensive. Screen changes slow, most likely due to how the system is making Dbase calls. This company does not allow for customer control of graphics or software after installation.
Rated by greengod [06/18/2009]
Detailed Ratings

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Overall avg. out of 1 reviews
Additional Comments
Toxicity: LCD is not Energy Star Rated
Resource Recovery: Claim to have redundant servers as service provider. ISP hosting has limited redundancy to Tier one providers.
Corporate Policies: Proprietary software solutions little room for changes.
First Costs/Price: Niche market solution very expensive
Lifecycle Costs: Major BAS companies now have competing software solutions