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Building integrated, transpired solar air heating system

Building integrated, transpired solar air heating system
Brand Name: MatrixAir
Categories: Solar Air Heating Solar Air Heating - Hide
294 Labrosse 2nd Floor
Pointe Claire
product information
Description: The MatrixAir™ building-integrated solar air heating system uses a simple perforated metal cladding to preheat fresh air needed in commercial, industrial, institutional or multi-residential buildings operating in cold climates. SRCC certified to OG100 standards (United States), and CSA 378.2 (in Canada).
Environmental Statement: Using solar energy, our transpired collector will producing upwards of 700 W/m2 to preheat intake air by 17°-30°C, depending on the flow rate, over ambient temperatures. In general terms, each square meter of our transpired solar air heating cladding is sufficient to heat between 14 and 42 l/s of air.
Matrix Energy Inc.
Address: 294 Labrosse, Pointe Claire, QC H9R5L8, Canada Website: Awards