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Universal Series

Universal Series
Brand Name: CanCoverIt
Categories: Radiant Barriers Radiant Barriers - Hide
32244 Paseo Adelanto D1
San Juan Capistrano
United States
product information
Description: The Universal Series from CanCoverIt has vents allowing for treatment of non-IC can-lights and other metal fixtures which require some airflow. These vents are under an overhang meaning Universal Series still blocks 98% of air in forced-air tests. Complete thermal, acoustic, moisture and pest protection. Folds flat, pop open and install!
Environmental Statement: Customers can cut their HVAC usage in half and remove drafts from their homes, in addition to keeping attic particulates out of the home and protecting against moisture, mold and pest infiltration through metal ceiling fixtures. Moreover, CanCoverIt protects LED bulbs allowing them to get their full life when installed in recessed light fixtures.
Address: 32244 Paseo Adelanto D1, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, United States Website: https://www.cancoverit.comCertifications/ Awards