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BioShield Interior Transparent Finishes
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BioShield Interior Transparent Finishes
Categories: Interior Transparent Finishes Interior Transparent Finishes - Hide
3215 Rufina Street
Santa Fe
New Mexico
United States
BioShield Paint Company
Address: 3215 Rufina Street, Santa Fe, NM 87507, United States Website: http://www.bioshieldpaint.comRatings Summary
Average Overall Rating
Out of 10
1 review(s)

Certifications/ Awards
Overall Rating
0 vote(s)
Floor and Furniture hardwax #32: great easy to use wax that is polished into a hard yet luxurious finish.
Rated by mlRobles [02/01/2010]
Detailed Ratings

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Overall avg. out of 1 reviews
Additional Comments
Raw materials: it looks like most of the materials are natural and renewable, it would be nice to have VOC emission information on the label
Raw materials: don't know, i buy mine at my local green products store (Planetary Solutions)
Installation/Application: easy, follow instructions.
Quality/Durability: i have had some of my applications for years, the more you buff the harder and more beautiful it gets.
Toxicity: i didn't notice any, it would be nice to have emissions on the label.
Lifecycle Costs: it does require ongoing maintenance, however, because it helps make the surface you are protecting more beautiful, it instills an attitude of greater care and may extend the life of the floor or wall it is protecting.