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Polyethylene Pipe Insulation

Polyethylene Pipe Insulation
Brand Name: AM Conservation Group, Inc.
Categories: Plumbing Insulation Plumbing Insulation - Hide
2301 Charleston Regional Pkwy
product information
Description: Polyethylene Pipe Insulation is used to insulate residential and commercial hot water, non-steam pipes with good thermal efficiency. Our most popular selling type of pipe insulation provides excellent resistance to water and water vapor. Helps prevent freezing, stops sweating, reduces heat loss and saves energy dollars.
Environmental Statement: Closed-cell Polyethylene Pipe insulation is more energy efficient, flexible, ready to use and easy to install. Insulating hot water pipes reduces heat loss and can raise water temperature 2ºF–4ºF. An added benefit to insulating hot water pipes is you won't have to wait as long for hot water, helping to conserve water.
AM Conservation Group, Inc.
Address: 2301 Charleston Regional Pkwy, Charleston, SC 29492, United States Website: http://www.amconservationgroup.comCertifications/ Awards