
    Greenbuilding Brasil International Conference & Expo August 8-10, São Paulo Expo Center, São Paulo

  • 8 August 2017 To 10 August 2017
  • Event Host : GBC Brasil
  • Event Location : Rod. dos Imigrantes, s/n, Vila Água Funda, Sao Paulo, 04329-900, Brazil
Greenbuilding Brasil International Conference & Expo  August 8-10,  São Paulo Expo Center,  São Paulo
Event Description

The 8th Edition of Greenbuilding Brasil will be co-located with the High Design Expo, a show focused on the home & office. The partnership between these two shows will create a stronger and more comprehensive meeting for Architecture, Construction and Design, with an estimated 15,000 professionals in attendance and 20,000 square meters of space featuring over 200 companies. Greenbuilding Brasil will keep its focus on sustainability, with lectures and educational sessions in high technical level, with renowned national and international professionals, but offering its visitors, conference participants, exhibitors and partners a much wider range of services, business and networking.

Brazil is among the top five countries for LEED projects and certifications. With an expanding construction market, Brazil has a significant volume of new developments, generating jobs and wealth to the country. Analysts of this sector forecast significant growth by 2017.

  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • GBC Brasil
  • Sponsors
    • Supporting partners of Greenbuilding Brasil include GBC Brazil, USGBC, Greenbuild USA and BTS Informa.
  • Event type
    • Conference/Expo

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