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A Quick Look at Mitsubishi Electric's Residential HVAC Models - Great Gains in Energy Efficiency (Video)

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At the International Builders Show and Kitchen and Bath Show, Matt Hoots had the opportunity to talk with Chad Gillespie from Mitsubishi Electric to review what’s new in their residential offerings for 2020.  Chad reviews some promising wall hung series models (in black, silver and white - not all mini splits are white!), including a dual vein model which can divide space as needed within a room.  There’s also a floor model which can fit in places without a lot of room or wall space.  

Perhaps the coolest mini split “in the room” is the EZ FIT recessed ceiling mini split that can be installed in the ceiling - removing the visual but maintaining the idea of a zoned, comfortable mini-split solution for the house.  

Mitsubishi also has a full range of ducted products with the traditional size air handler as well as the suitcase style, a horizontally ducted system which can fit in tight spaces while still allowing ductwork to be run.  

Electric HVAC efficiency is just getting better and better.  Chad explains that the highest efficiency right now is 33 SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio).  Where a rating of 10-12 used to seem impressive in the past, many models are now in the 20’s and the current code calls for 14.  EnergyStar qualified appliances must have a SEER rating of 14.5 or higher.  SEER measures air-conditioning and heat pump cooling efficiency, calculated by typical output divided by total electric input, all calculated over a typical season.  Like a miles per gallon car efficiency measure, SEER ratings describe the maximum efficiency a unit can achieve, so the actual performance will vary by specific conditions.  

Increasing efficiency is great news, and it’s good to see a range of models, sizes, and even more model colors.  It’s key to know that there are now electric options that work from tiny houses to skyscrapers, which run from small to large and are ultra efficient, for retrofits in addition to new buildings.  



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