Green Building Community

MASSCEC commits $30million for cost-effective heating and cooling systems

Stella Ng'oma 0 Ratings 4 Discussions 2 Group posts

Posted by: Stella Ng'oma // Green building enthusiast

A positive development by Massachusetts Clean Energy Center(MassCEC) to promote use of high efficiency clean heating and cooling systems, and support the growing clean energy industry.

Through a partnership with Massachusetts Department of Energy, MassCEC has been providing rebates for between $750 and $12,500 to home and business owners that install high efficiency heating and cooling systems.

So I am just curious, how does one actually qualify for these rebates? At what point does a home or business owner seek this funding? What are the actual thresholds to qualify for rebates for both home owners and commercial property owners?

Article by NEREJ can be accessed here:



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