Green Building Community

Global GreenTag Awards Mainland China Sales Agency to CBME to Provide Green Building Product Certifications to Chinese Manufacturers for Export

Posted by: Global GreenTag International Pty Ltd & Global GreenTag LLC (USA) // Brand Trust Builder via Third Party Product Certification

Global GreenTag Awards Exclusive Mainland China Sales Agency to CBME to Provide Green Building Product Certifications to Chinese Manufacturers

The National Building Materials Exhibition and Trade Centre (CBME), the largest agency representing more than 30,000 building materials manufacturers in Mainland China, has signed an exclusive Agency Agreement with Global GreenTag International, the Australian based global product certification label to certify and declare healthy, sustainable and ethical building products produced in Mainland China for export to the world.

The new agreement means that Global GreenTag’s Product Certification, Declaration and Verification programs will become integral to the new role for CBME who for 64 years have created solutions to help lead, support, and empower Mainland China's thriving building materials industry. Under their new role, CBME will lead China's most capable manufactures to properly prepare and certify their sustainable products for export to the world.

Highlighting the imperative of Mainland China to prevent and control pollution in the region and achieve goals to become carbon neutral, Qu Jiaosheng, Director of CMBE stated that CBME now shoulders the important mission of leading Chinese building materials companies to "go global" and to help break green barriers in Mainland China. Mr Jiaosheng stated: “This cooperation with Global GreenTag International comes at the right time. The carbon neutral target is written into Mainland China's five-year economic and social development plan. Actively responding to national policies, vigorously promoting green standards to Chinese building materials companies – this will be one of the most important tasks of CBME in the future.”

David Baggs, CEO and Program Director of Global GreenTag International said that Global GreenTag looks forward to its new role with CBME.

“The world is currently facing an important moment, the world is undergoing tremendous changes, and a new generation of products is needed. This cooperation with CBME is also a very important decision for Global GreenTag to explore and work dynamically with the Chinese market,” said Mr Baggs.

According to Mary-Lou Kelly, Managing Director of Global GreenTag International, We are very excited that CBME has brought Global GreenTag International into their family. Mainland China represents a huge percentage of manufacturers on the Earth today and it gives us heart that sustainability is embraced as a leadership imperative in the region and the most important guide stone for the future health and preservation of the environment, wildlife, humanity and the air that we all breathe.”

For more information and comment from Global GreenTag International:

David Baggs (CEO & Program Director)

Mary-Lou Kelly (Managing Director)

For more information and comment from CBME:

Email: - Ma Qianling also known as Alicia Ma, General Manager at the International Production Capacity Cooperation Department




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