
    BE-Ex Forum: Better Steam Heat: Upgrades & Resident Engagement (3/29 @ 9-10:30am @ 31 Chambers St, NY)

  • 29 Mar 2017
Event Description

Join BE-Ex and the NYC Retrofit Accelerator for a presentation on steam system upgrades that resolve under- and over-heating problems, quiet clanging pipes, and reduce operating and maintenance costs. Findings will be presented from a new case study on a 400-unit co-op’s successful steam system upgrade, followed by a moderated discussion with the project team.

Panelists will discuss the process and challenges of completing the upgrades, including how they designed the scope of work, secured project approval, accessed financial incentives, and tracked project outcomes. The team will also discuss how they engaged residents to build project buy-in and schedule in-unit work.

The NYC Retrofit Accelerator will present on lessons learned from their Better Steam Heat campaign, and on best practices for resident engagement. Following the presentation, an Efficiency Advisor from the Retrofit Accelerator will be on hand to answer questions and offer guidance to building decision-makers interested in completing steam system upgrades.

Ali Levine, NYC Mayor’s Office of Sustainability
Sam Weisenberg, Bright Power
Bob Horstmann, Marlande Heating Corp.
Rob Michitsch, Marlande Heating Corp.
Leslie Zema, Park Terrace Gardens Green Committee
Osi Kaminer, Park Terrace Gardens Green Committee

This program is part of the NYC Retrofit Accelerator.

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