Green Building Community

Energy Efficiency Progress: What We’ve Gained in 35 Years

Chelsea W. NY, United States 0 Ratings 4 Discussions 12 Group posts

Posted by: Chelsea W. // Student

A new report by the America Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, “Energy Efficiency in the United States: 35 Years and Counting," was released and found some truly incredible things. For one, you have $2,500 more dollars in your pocket today because of the energy efficiency progress over the last 35 years in the United States. Also, despite gross domestic product (GDP) increasing by 149 percent from 1980 through 2014; energy use only went up 29 percent.

Energy efficiency is a $10 trillion opportunity that will greatly lower America's energy bills, so what can we do in the next 35 years to take advantage of that opportunity?

Read the article below and then comment with your thoughts, reactions, and questions!

Energy Efficiency Progress- What We’ve Gained in 35 Years:



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