
    Free Online Training: Mini Split Design, Installation, & Performance (2 Part Series), May 21-22, 8:30-11:30 am PT

  • 21 May 2024 To 22 May 2024
  • Event Host : Pacific Gas & Electric
Free Online Training: Mini Split Design, Installation, & Performance
Event Description

Mini Splits – small inverter driven split system heat pumps are gaining market share rapidly. They claim the highest efficiencies of any compressor-based heating and cooling systems and they are relatively inexpensive. The phrase mini split calls to mind the typical wall head we’re all used to seeing. However, this category of equipment includes several different system types for both residential and commercial applications.

This class will provide an overview of the most common systems installed in residential, multifamily and light commercial applications. Pros and cons of the various equipment types will be discussed as well as the relative efficiencies available for each system. We will also review how these smaller systems provide advantages for mechanical system design and layout. Finally, we will discuss installation best practices including line set construction and leak management. There is clear evidence that refrigerant release poses a significant hazard to our environment we will be discussing how to minimize this issue. Finally, we will look at the new refrigerants options that are entering the market place.


  • Host Company/Organization Name
    • Pacific Gas & Electric
  • Agenda
    • The objective of this course is that at the conclusion, participants will be able to:

      - Identify the common types of mini split systems used in residential and light commercial buildings
      - Discuss the pros and cons of different mini split system types, including items related to both room comfort and system efficiency
      - Identify critical installation issues
      - Discuss line set testing best practices related to leak prevention
      - Identify how different successful duct installation needs to be for mini split systems compared to typical equipment
      - Be aware of the roll of released refrigerants in global climate change
      - Be aware that new refrigerants are coming and will be aware that some retraining of field staff is likely
  • Speakers / Presenters
    • Dan Perunko

      Dan Perunko is a cofounder of Balance Point Home Performance Company. In 2006, along with Gavin Healy, Dan started a successful company providing full service home performance analysis, retrofits, consultations, and trainings. Dan works on new and existing construction designs and hands on installations of enclosures, mechanical, plumbing, and indoor air quality components based on tested performance outcomes. Dan especially enjoys improving existing homes to provide homeowners with levels of comfort and energy consumption that they have not believed possible. Dan is a professional trainer who designs and delivers full and multi day courses for California’s Utility Companies (energy training centers) and ACI national and regional conferences. Dan brings his experience from construction, design and building analysis, to make his class materials relevant, useful and understandable regardless of the attendees’ level of experience.
  • Cost
    • FREE Event
  • Event type
    • Online/Webinar

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